實體研討會 - (課程編號: 0925) Training Workshop for Junior Audit Staff: Enhancing Audit Skills and Knowledge (共4堂)
Code 0925 (3, 10, 17 & 24 Apr 2025)


This comprehensive workshop, designed specifically for junior audit staff, strengthens core audit principles, practical skills, and the application of technical knowledge and soft skills in audit engagements. The workshop is divided into four interactive sessions and the contents of each session are summarized as follows:


Session 1 (3 Aril 2025)

Session 2 (10 April 2025)

  1. Professional Ethics
  2. Audit Objectives and Planning
  3. Materiality and Risk Assessment
  4. Analytical Review Procedures
  5. Opening Balances and Comparatives
  1. Audit Evidence and Methodologies
  2. Tests of Controls and Substantive Procedures
  3. Audit Sampling and External Confirmations
  4. Audit of Common Financial Statement Areas
  5. Audit Documentation

Session 3 (17 April 2025)

Session 4 (24 April 2025)

  1. Related Party Transactions
  2. Utilizing the Work of an Expert
  3. Management Representations
  4. Going Concern Assessment
  5. Audit Completion Procedures
  1. Key highlights in Selected Audit areas
  2. Subsequent Events Review
  3. Contingent Liabilities
  4. The Independent Auditors Report




Mr. Edison Chow

Founder and Managing Partner, ALE & Co. & ALE (CPA) Limited

- Honorary Treasurer - The Society of Chinese Accountants & Auditors (“SCAA”)

- Participant - 2024 Guangdong Province High-Level Accounting Talent Quality Improvement Project (Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area High-end Class)

- Member of New Economy and Training & Accreditation Committees, Hong Kong Independent Non-Executive Director Association (HKiNEDA)


Ms. Miki Lau

Founder, Q Star CPA & Co.

- Over 13 years of experience in assurance and advisory services with a top 10 accounting firm and listed companies in Hong Kong

- Expertise in accounting, auditing, taxation and financial advisory services

- Qualified member of the Hong Kong Institute of Certified Public Accountants (HKICPA) and the Institute of Chartered Accountants in England and Wales (ICAEW)

- Practising Certified Public Accountant (CPA) in Hong Kong

- Member of Training Committee and Practice Management Committee for The Society of Chinese Accountants & Auditors (SCAA)

06:30 PM - 08:30 PM
香港華人會計師公會 (香港灣仔駱克道88號6樓)
8.0 小時
正式會員* HK $800
附屬會員 HK $800
學生會員 HK $800
正式會員之僱員 HK $800
非會員 HK $1200