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課程編號 | 講者 | 檔案名稱 | 講義價格 | 供以下人士免費下載 |
i120 | Mr Ludwig Ng | Advising Companies in Financial Difficulties | 不適用 | 課堂之學員 |
Tax webinar - 29 May 2020 | Mr Henry Kwong | Tax Webinar: Identification of Potential Taxation Services for Clients | 不適用 | 出席當日課堂之學員 |
Webinar - 20 May 2020 | Mr Nelson Lam Mr Edmund Wong | CPA’s Roles in Catering Business (Social Distancing) Subsidy Scheme – Supported by ACA and ADF | 港幣150元正 (正式會員/附屬會員/會員之僱員) 港幣250元正 (非會員) | 課堂之學員 |
0420 | Mr Xavier Chan | Anti-money laundering (AML) findings and recommendations for practice unit | 不適用 | 出席0420之學員 |
0620 | Ms Pai Lai Ms Yenny Angzas | 對監管機構的審查作好準備 | 不適用 | 出席0620之學員 |
0520 | Mr Martin Lim Mr Leonard Soh CFA Ms Irene Ip | Anti-Money Laundering and Counter-Financing of Terrorism Webinar | 不適用 | 出席0520之學員 |
0320 | Mr Simon Leung | Practical procedures for Accountants and TCSPs to mitigate AML/CFT risks | 不適用 | 出席0320之學員 |
0220 | 林智遠先生 | a. Handouts b. Financial Reporting Update with Sample Financial Statements 2019/20 (Password Protected) | 港幣150元正 (正式會員/附屬會員) 港幣250元正 (會員之僱員/非會員) | 0220之學員 |
1619C | 張印女士 | Wellness Series 無痛大使學習獎勵計劃:穴位按摩不求人 | 不適用 | 出席當日課堂之學員 |
1619B | 劉瑞麟先生 | Wellness Series 無痛大使學習獎勵計劃:舒痛伸展運動班 | 不適用 | 出席當日課堂之學員 |
1619A | 林健先生 | Wellness Series 無痛大使學習獎勵計劃:護老者鬆一鬆—體驗 | 不適用 | 出席當日課堂之學員 |
1519 | 林智遠先生 | Practical Application Issues on the New HKFRSs a. Handouts | 不適用 | 1519之學員 |
1019 | Mr Kenneth Lam | An Introduction of a Corporate Valuation a. PPT Slide b. Example of Income Approach (PPT p.36) | 不適用 | 出席1019之學員 |
HK Tax (18 Apr 2019) | Ms Gwenda Ho Ms Chi Wing Lam | Hong Kong Tax Update | 不適用 | 出席當日課堂之會員 |
0319-R, 0319-N | Mr Simon Leung | To Understand and Mitigate Your AML Risk (Re-Run) | 不適用 | 0319-R, 0319-N 之會員 |
0319 | Mr Simon Leung | To Understand and Mitigate Your AML Risk | 不適用 | 出席0319之會員 |
PRC Tax (9 Apr 2019) | 龔永德先生 楊嘉燕女士 | 2019 中國內地稅務講座 | 不適用 | 出席當日課堂之會員 |
0219, 0219-R | 林智遠先生 | a. Handouts b. Financial Reporting Update with Sample Financial Statements 2018/19 (Password Protected) (updated) | 港幣150元正 | 0219, 0219-R之學員 |
Luncheon 29 Nov 2018 | 吳俊霆先生 | 珠峰夢-經歷與得著 | 不適用 | 出席當日午餐例會之會員 |
1218 | Mr Martin Lim Mr Leonard Soh CFA | Anti-Money Laundering and Counter-Financing of Terrorism Seminar | 港幣100元正 | 1218之學員 |
1118 | Mr Leon Liang | AML Seminar: Are You Ready For The New AML/CDD Requirements – Accounting Professionals and TCSPs? | 港幣100元正 | 1118之學員 |
0818 | 陳樂禧先生 | Anti-Money Laundering Seminar for Company Service Providers and Professional Accountants | 不適用 | 0818之學員 |
0318 | Ms Gloria Ma | Licensing of Trust or Company Service Providers | 不適用 | 0318之學員 |
0218, 0218-R | Ms Gloria Ma | Keeping of Significant Controllers Register a. PPT Slide b. Handouts | 不適用 | 0218 & 0218-R之學員 |
0118 | 傅振煌博士 | 內地稅務最新發展 | 不適用 | 0118之學員 |
0518 | 林智遠先生 | a. Handouts b. Financial Reporting Update with Sample Financial Statements 2017/18 (Password Protected) | 港幣150元正 | 0518之學員 |
2717 | Mr Philip Hung Ms Karen Au Mr Felix Tsang | Recent Updates on Tax Audit in Hong Kong and Practical Case Sharing | 不適用 | 2717之學員 |
2517 | Mr Vincent Kwan | Disclosure of Inside Information and Disclosure Proceedings under SFO a. FRA - Disclosure of Inside Information (2012) b. FRA - Disclosure of Inside Information and Listing Rules Amendment (2013) | 不適用 | 2517之學員 |
2317 | Ms Gloria Ma | Company Secretarial Practical Training Series - Module D | 不適用 | 2317之學員 |
2217 | Ms Gloria Ma | Company Secretarial Practical Training Series - Module C | 不適用 | 2217之學員 |
2117 | Ms Gloria Ma | Company Secretarial Practical Training Series - Module B | 不適用 | 2117之學員 |
2017 | Ms Gloria Ma | Company Secretarial Practical Training Series - Module A | 不適用 | 2017之學員 |
Luncheon 25 Oct 2017 | 黃以謙醫生 | 面對壓力及情緒問題 | 不適用 | 出席當日午餐例會之會員 |
Luncheon 31 Aug 2017 | 杜正山註冊中醫師 | 認識自己的體質與養生 - 中醫的「九型體質」 | 不適用 | 出席當日午餐例會之會員 |
0217, 0717 | 林智遠先生 | Financial Reporting Update with Sample Financial Statements 2016/17 (Password Protected) (updated version on 2 May 2017) | 華師會員及ADF Friends 可以港幣150元正購買密碼 | 0217及0717 之學員 |
Forum 5 Dec 2016 | 甘耀成先生 羅君美女士 陳昌達先生 | Consultation on Measures to Counter Base Erosion & Profit Shifting (BEPS) | 免費 | 供會員下載 |
2616 | 林智遠先生 | Financial Reporting Update with Sample Financial Statements 2015/16 (updated version on 2 May 2017)(Password Protected) | 港幣150元正 | 2616之學員 |
Luncheon 26 May 2016 | 黃品立醫生 | 心臟病 | 免費 | 供公眾下載 |
0916 | 林智遠先生 | Financial Reporting Update with Sample Financial Statements 2015/16 (updated version on 2 May 2017)(Password Protected) | 港幣150元正 | 0916之學員 |
0816 | 葉毅成先生 | Latest Development in Consolidation Financial Statements and its controversial issues (Password Protected) | 港幣75元正 | 0816之學員 |
1115, 1215 | 陳樹堅先生 | Shareholders Agreement For Cross-Over Periods (Password protected) Shareholders Agreement For Financial Years Ending on or after 31 March 2015 (Password protected) Consolidated Financial Statements (Password Protected) | 港幣125元正 | 1115及1215之學員 |
0615, 0915 | 林智遠先生 | Financial Reporting Update with Sample Financial Statements 2014/15 (Password Protected) | 港幣150元正 | 0615及0915之學員 |
0114 | 林智遠先生 | Financial Reporting Update with Sample Financial Statements 2013/14 (Password Protected) | 港幣150元正 | 0114之學員 |
0213, 0213R | 林智遠先生 | Financial Reporting Update with Sample Financial Statements 2012/13 (Password Protected) | 港幣150元正 | 0213及0213R之學員 |
1012 | 林智遠先生 | Financial Reporting Update with Sample Financial Statements 2011/12 (Password Protected) | 港幣150元正 | 1012之學員 |